Dec 16, 2020
The TBFVnet project represents a network of laboratories that aim to study and survey tick-borne flaviviruses, involving six institutes across Central Europe, at the heart of the endemic region. In December 2020 the website has been launched. The TBFVnet...
Dec 16, 2020
A paper published by the Molecular Virology Group, ICGEB Trieste, Italy, presents a new strategy to diagnose flaviviruses infection in patient sera. This work is pivotal for the TBFVnet project as starting point to develop new assays for tick-borne flaviviruses....
Dec 16, 2020
The Laboratory of Arbovirology, Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic, recently developed a new tool that can boost the search for new antiviral agents and detect neutralising antibodies for TBEV. The Group has engineered TBEV with mCherry fluorescent protein...
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